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somatic clinics, centers & agencies

Advancing body-mind integration work for institutional services

Our member clinics, centers, and agencies incorporate somatic psychology and body-mind integration work with their services.  They utilize membership to extend the education and advance the practitioner skills of their team. Their staff and professionals are often graduates of official USABP educator member programs. Please read the following descriptions to determine which category is appropriate for you.

Benefits of Becoming a Recognized Leader in Our Field Include:

  • Advance Your Findings 
  • Gain Recognition for Your Organizations Research, Theories and Intervention Innovations
  • Shape Our Field Through Special Contributions at Our Conference and Events
  • Extend Your Message into the Public  Discourse for Mental and Behavioral Health Care
  • Attract New Clinicians & Clients
  • Get Find-a-Therapist Placement
  • Collaborate with Peers to Advance Our Field & Receive Recognition
  • Extend Your Reach with Our Turnkey Marketing Opportunities

Click Below for Additional Benefits for:

Clinics, Centers & Agencies

Application Instructions

Please review the membership levels below. Select the appropriate membership level and click the next button at the bottom of the page! Once you complete sign up you will receive follow up emails regarding next steps in the review process. 

 Welcome Message

We look forward to having you as a member of our Association. You will be a part of a community dedicated to
a) working to improve themselves,
b) learning more for their profession,
c) helping advance the mental health field and d) strengthening our society. 

Our Code of Ethics

In becoming an Official USABP Clinical Member your leaders and organization agree to accept and to follow our Code of Ethics.  

Please click the button below to review them before proceeding.

Code of Ethics

Note: if you have any questions about the choices available or request any further information please contact us at  

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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No part of this Web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy. 

USABP is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to developing and advancing the art, science, and practice of Body Psychotherapy.

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