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Bodies in Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension

1 Aug 2018 1:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Title: Bodies in Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension

Series: ISBN: 978-0881634488

Author: Anderson, F.S.

Genre: Client, Therapist

Publisher: New York, N.Y.: The Analytic Press.

Release Date: 2008

Source: Keeping in Touch—Spring 2008-Issue 33

Reviewed By: Jacqueline A. Carleton, Ph.D

This is the second, most recent collection of articles on the body in psychoanalysis written from a relational perspective. The earlier volume, edited by Lewis Aron and F.S. Anderson, entitled Relational Perspectives on the Body, was published just ten years ago, in 1998. The present volume builds and expands on it from many different perspectives. I found three particularly interesting. Bill Cornell provides a historical view and case history. Wilma Bucci explores three components of the human emotional processing system: symbolic verbal, symbolic nonverbal and subsymbolic. Christopher Eldredge & Gilbert Cole elucidate how integration of body-oriented techniques and relational psychoanalysis can be particularly effective in working with individuals with a history of trauma.

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